Whether you are a software provider of pensions or payroll products, or will be going through the auto enrolment process yourself, BASDA can help. BASDA – the Business Application Software Developers Association – is the only industry association focused specifically on supporting the issues of business software development organisations.

BASDA can help your company through:

Alex Rowson of Qtac Solutions

Alex Rowson of Qtac Solutions

Payroll, Pensions and HR Specialist Interest Group

BASDA’s Payroll, Pensions and HR Specialist Interest Group is run by Qtac Solutions’ Alex Rowson, who has been involved with the payroll software development industry for over 45 years. The group has influenced the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Pensions Regulator (TPR) across key matters of auto enrolment.

Henry Tapper of the Pension Playpen

Henry Tapper of the Pension Playpen

Pensions Panel Debate

At our Annual Summit we hosted a Pensions Panel Debate that featured TPR, Systemsync, The People’s Pension and NEST and was chaired by Henry Tapper of the Pension Playpen. This debate answered BASDA members’ questions and engaged members in discussing the future of pensions. We hope to host similar debates at our future Annual Summits.

BASDA Pensions Webinar

June’s Pensions Webinar contained practical advice from pensions industry commentator Henry Tapper, who talked members through the key points to consider as an employer and outlined the steps involved. A transcript of this webinar is now available to BASDA members.

Engagement with Governing Bodies

We provide intelligence, advice and information for our members through our engagement with DWP and TPR. We are planning to deliver future support for our members.

If you would like to benefit from the work BASDA does then sign up for membership today. If you join BASDA before 12th August 2016 you will also be eligible to access a free copy of the Pensions Webinar.

Click here to join BASDA now or call 01494 868030 for more information.


BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April