Presentations & Updates
@ April 2021
The latest BASDA webinar focused on Ramifications of Customs Requirements Post BREXIT with guest speaker Lyndsey Robinson, EMEA Customs Manager, GRS Program Compliance and Development at Avalara. Lyndsey’s presentation covered
- what has changed;
- what are the particular situations we need to watch for;
- problems encountered and how they were resolved and how long they took to resolve;
- are there still issues to be addressed by changes needed to CHIEF and/or CDS;
- how Avalara may be able to help our members or our members clients.
Presentation from this event is ready for download in the section below.
@ March 2021
Through our BREXIT Working Group, businesses, and key commentators in the trading community, we are hearing of potentially impending issues as trade flows pick-up after the hiatus over the Christmas period and prior stock-piling levels reduce to normal, and just-in-time flows recommence. Such issues are also compounded by some stakeholders not taking proper accountability regarding their preparation along with some confusing and poor communications.
We continue to deliver online events to help address these and other impending matters, challenges and impact on trade, critical upcoming dates and how business software developers, their customers and onward supply chains are impacted.
Topics will include:
- Upcoming critical dates and the implications of not being ready
- VAT, Zero Tariffs, Custom interfaces post Brexit
- NI protocol
- Challenges for software providers to support trade
- How such practically affects your customer’s businesses and how you can further help them
- Available support and resources
Download the Presentations and Resources
Ramifications of Customs Requirements
Presentation 15th April

VAT and what needs to be considered by NI and GB businesses
Presentation 4th March

Real Implications Post Brexit: Are we Heading towards the Perfect Storm?
Presentation 29th January

BREXIT: Trade Deal Timeline 2021

Download the Presentations and Resources
@ November 2020
As the deadline of January 1st 2021 draws ever closer and to help our members and the business community prepare for life outside of the EU, BASDA hosted a webinar to address current challenges and work through the implications of a no-deal. Or assuming a deal with the EU is struck, what kind of implications will that hold for the business community?
The webinar, held on 17th November, reviewed issues and challenges, including some scenario planning with guest speakers Allie Renison Head of EU & Trade Policy, Institute of Directors and Steve Bartlett, Chairman of the Association of Freight Software Suppliers.
BASDA has also established a BREXIT Working Group, chaired by Bill Pugsley, to help address member concerns and issues. This working group is currently meeting weekly, engaging with relevant external stakeholders, including HMRC, and will bring relevant information and findings to members through the BASDA Bytes channel. If you have an interest in being part of this working group please email for further information.
Countdown to BREXIT – Managing it Together
Presentations & Updates
Countdown to BREXIT: Managing it Together
Presentation 17th November

BREXIT: Useful Resources
Library of Useful Resources

BREXIT: Working Party Notes