Sometimes as a software developer you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated by all the different upcoming legislative changes in a constantly evolving industry. Why not become part of a collective and influential industry voice by joining BASDA, the Business Application Software Developers Association? The BASDA community also enables the sharing of knowledge, and we support our members in becoming more efficient and effective in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Not only do we provide specialist interest groups and business networking events, but we also run an Annual Summit to give you key industry insights.

We will be hosting our Annual Summit on 17th May 2016 at BMA House, home to the prestigious British Medical Association. The Annual Summit will provide information, debates and opinions from important experts. Join BASDA before 30th April 2016 and attend the Summit for free!



The theme of this year’s Summit is ‘The Changing Face of Business in 2016: Opportunities and Challenges’ and includes:

  • Keynote session on All Things Mobile by Franco Beschizza, who works with brands such as British Gas, Ford and Orange to extend and define their mobile thinking and strategy;
  • HMRC API one year on – an update from Brigid McBride, OBE, HMRC Digital Director;
  • Pensions industry expert panel led by Henry Tapper;
  • How the forces for change are aligning behind e-invoicing;
  • BASDA Specialist Interest Group and working party updates.

Why you should attend the 2016 Annual Summit:Stuart Anderson GC

Being a BASDA member means that everyone in your company is able to benefit from the Summit. Stuart Anderson, Director of Sales & Marketing, Pegasus Software, says that “The BASDA Summit is the go-to event for senior management in the business software industry who want an insight into where they need to be positioning their business. The Annual Summit also offers the opportunity to network with your peers”.

Click here for more comments on the BASDA Annual Summit.

BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April