A great, free aid for companies in deciding to buy business software

The Business Application Software Developers Association (“BASDA”) announces the launch of their new Selecting Business Software for Small Business Success Guide (a full copy of the free Guide can be downloaded here)

BASDA represents UK business software and is the only industry organisation focused on supporting the issues that business software development organisations face.

This Guide is the second in a series of new BASDA complimentary publications created specifically to support businesses with their buying decisions with this Guide focusing on business software and apps for smaller business.  A start-up or more established small business will have considerable demands on their scarce resources as they grow.  The Guide offers independent “no jargon” guidance on how to select the business application(s) which will meet and support the growth plans and ability to meet statutory requirements of the business without draining internal resources.

It complements the extensive 24 page Selecting Business Software Guide issued earlier this year which provided objective direction and guidance for business software buyers giving them practical advice and steps on how to effectively choose the right software to meet their business requirements.

“The aim of these best practice Guides is to help businesses make the right purchasing decision by providing a straight forward and structured approach to the software selection process – with guides ranging from the most simple to the most complex business needs and sizes. We understand how difficult and distracting it can be – particularly for smaller businesses – in making these buying decisions.

Consequently, we have harnessed our members’ collective knowledge and experience of thousands of selection processes each year to help companies choose software that provides the functionality that a business requires – not only now but as that business grows.

We believe that this Guide, which is free to download, will prove to be an invaluable reference document in helping smaller businesses make the right software purchasing decisions – especially with the number of solutions available (and options) and so enable them to focus upon their own business – comfortable that they’ve followed best practice in selecting their business software.”

Kevin Hart

Chairman , BASDA

Notes to Editors:


BASDA (Business Application Software Developers Association) represents UK business software and is the only industry organisation focused on supporting the issues that business software development organisations face. As a not-for-profit trade body we ensure our members’ voice is heard by some of the highest levels within UK Government and policy makers as well as industry media. Our members’ software solutions cover most core business functions such as operations, development, finance, marketing and HR, whether deployed as cloud, on-premise or hybrid applications.

How we help our members

We collaborate with our members through our Specialist Interest Groups (SIGs), working parties and networking events so that knowledge is shared and their views are heard. Our wealth of experience in dealing with the UK Government and policy makers including HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) enables us to engage with them on issues that affect our members. Experts from our SIGs and working parties provide advice to the Government on the best ways to ensure the successful rollout of policy initiatives which have an IT impact. In addition we also develop industry standards and charters which allow best practices to be rolled out across our membership as well as industry wide.

For further information on BASDA please contact:

Carol Tennant



ph: 07557476688

Email: carol.tennant@basda.org


BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April