Tell us about Intelligo e

Intelligo has helped 1000+ UK and Irish businesses to reduce cost, increase effectiveness and improve resilience across their payroll and people functions. The key strengths of their solution MegaPay is:

  • flexibility;
  • scalability; andIntelligo logo
  • depth of natural functionality.

They are a proud long-term partner to our valued customers ranging in size from 200 to 40,000 employees.

When did you join BASDA

August 2020

What was your reason for joining BASDA?

We joined BASDA because wanted to be able to access the organisations pooled lobbying power and the fantastic UK payroll domain knowledge. We saw that this would support our goal to continue to improve our client experience and to better predict UK market development trends.

What value will membership of BASDA bring to your business?

We believe that by having a closer working relationship with HMRC we can deliver increased value to our clients. We do see additional business and partnering opportunities from being part of a wider software development community.

Are there any particular topics that BASDA is championing that you are particularly interested in?

As an Irish headquartered business and indeed like most organisations in both the UK and Ireland, we are very keenly watching all Brexit related developments. With the risk of a hard Brexit appearing increasingly likely, we are particularly interested in seeing how cross border payroll arrangements will work.

What are the current challenges within your industry and how can BASDA help your company as the voice of industry?

The burden and pace of legislative compliance has increased exponentially during 2020 and we believe that working with a nimble, focussed, flexible software provider will assist UK companies manage their transformation process through stability and on to recovery.

Can you offer any advice to BASDA members?

We are originally an Irish business and have a great reputation and client base there. We have a deep understanding of the subtle differences and challenges anyone wanting to enter the Republic of Ireland market might face. We are happy to offer advice and guidance to other members on this and associated topics.

You can find out more information on their website HERE

We look forward to hearing their views and supporting them as a member.

If you are not already a member of  BASDA and would like more information on how to become one, click HERE for more information on how to join.

BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April