Oct 25, 2013 | BASDA Members, Business Software
The #ssa13 shortlist has been announced. Good news for BASDA members. Small Business Accounts: Clear Books, FreeAgent, Intuit QuickBooks, Sage 50, Sage Instant Mid-range financial & ERP: The Access Group, Corero Resource 32000,...
Oct 23, 2013 | BASDA Members, Business Software, Carbon reporting
From 1 October 2013 the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013 requires all UK quoted companies to report on their greenhouse gas emissions as part of their annual Directors’ Report. That requirement affects all UK incorporated...
Oct 21, 2013 | asset management, BASDA Members
Member blog article from Real Asset Management: Complaining about escalating insurance premiums is standard practice to both UK businesses and consumers, however in reality, most businesses are over-insured. Endemic failure to maintain accurate asset registers results...
Oct 11, 2013 | asset management, BASDA Members
Member blog article from Real Asset Management. Growing risk awareness and a cautionary business environment may have prompted an increasing number of companies to invest in disaster recovery (DR) as part of the business continuity programme – but how safe is that...
Oct 7, 2013 | BASDA Members
A big welcome from BASDA to our latest new members: ROCC provide Social Housing Repairs Management software to local government, housing associations and RSL’s. We provide an end to end solution for repairs reporting, resource planning and allocation, work processing...
Sep 9, 2013 | BASDA Members, Business Software, Uncategorized
In June 2013 HMRC granted small businesses a reprieve by delaying the necessity for RTI compliance until October 2013. HMRC then announced a further extension until April 2014 for businesses with fewer than 50 employees, while they get to grips with the requirements...