Sep 25, 2023 | Accounting, accounting software, BASDA Members, Business Software, Cloud computing, HR, HR software
Tell us about BrightTax BrightTax offers a suite of cloud-based tax and accounting solutions that ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance with tax regulations for both businesses and individuals. Users can speed up UK tax and compliance processes by utilising our...
Jul 3, 2023 | Accounting, accounting software, BASDA Members, Business Software, Cloud computing, HR, HR software
Tell us about Acting Office Limited It’s an intelligent “all in one” accounting platform, incorporating CRM, practice management tools, telephone integration and accounts preparation. Acting Office can improve output and identify staff training needs by...
Mar 5, 2018 | B2B Marketing, BASDA Members, Business Software, Cloud computing
The Business Application Software Developers Association (“BASDA”) today (Monday, 5th March) announce the launch of their new Selecting Business Software Guide. This extensive 24 page Selecting Business Software Guide provides objective direction and...
May 15, 2013 | Cloud computing
Whilst the pros and cons of cloud computing may be regularly debated by the IT team, many FDs and CFOs are still afraid to take the plunge despite being familiar with the clear benefits that cloud computing can offer. Cloud computing brings with it many advantages to...
Apr 22, 2013 | Business Software, Cloud computing
Member blog from bluQube: Interoperability (as well as being difficult to say) is one of the biggest changes to happen to the finance and accounting function in recent years. bluQube are pretty passionate about it, and have signed up to BASDA’s Interoperability...
Jan 23, 2013 | Cloud computing
£5 million in government support funding is to be given to thirteen business-led research and development projects to address the challenges impeding the adoption of Cloud computing. The money will aim to address three issues that were highlighted by previous studies...