New Accessibility & Inclusive Design Guide Launches

BASDA extends reach into the important inclusivity area with a new publication

Many businesses may not realise that accessibility and inclusive design can unlock a huge, overlooked market share, boostFront page of Accessibility & Inclusive Design Guide brand value as well as increase customer loyalty.  Whilst many businesses are compliant with The Equality Act 2010 in terms of diversity and inclusion within their workforce and culture, they have yet to fully embed it within their software products and other digital assets.  Only a staggering 4% of businesses are focussed on making their online presence inclusive.  Designing for users with varying levels of impairment ensures that the needs and expectations of all potential users can be accommodated.


Why inclusive design is important

A lack of knowledge, understanding and support are often barriers in prioritising accessibility and inclusive design.

BASDA has leveraged the collective insights of its members (who themselves serve many thousands of businesses) in sharing challenges and successes from both employer and employee perspective. This collective knowledge has enabled BASDA to provide comprehensive support in developing an accessibility and inclusive design guide offering tips on the key areas of consideration for businesses to implement within their workplace.  The guide is filled with practical direction on areas to consider including early adopter guidance on:

  • Creating a business case to spearhead accessibility within your own business and future products (including website).
  • Assessing considerations that a business should take, and the steps required to understand accessibility and inclusive design.
  • Evaluating what inclusive design involves and why it is important for all products and all users.
  • Identifying and obtaining available support and resources to help your business on its accessibility and inclusive design journey.

This latest guide is a must-read for businesses of all types and sizes and is aimed at both commercial and technical owners along with those responsible for supporting and executing an accessibility strategy.

The need for a cultural change is more important than ever. Successful businesses are increasingly embracing the importance of inclusive design and, therefore, opening-up greater access to software products and digital assets.

Kevin Hart, CEO & Executive Chairperson of BASDA said: ” Designing software products and creating online visibility that is fully accessible must be the future direction of travel for all organisations. 70% of users will click away from a website, or software system, which is inaccessible. The ‘click-away pound’ is now estimated at a staggering £17.1 billion loss. Businesses that develop and promote a culture that embraces digital accessibility and inclusivity will bring potentially vast long-term benefits to not only their end customer but their organisation as well – especially as doing so properly can uplift usability by 35% for all users!.”

Robin Christopherson MBE, Head of Digital Inclusion at AbilityNet commented “We believe in a digital world accessible to all. Identifying when and where a business should start their journey can be the most challenging step but it can also unlock great potential. Our Digital Accessibility Maturity Model (‘DAMM’) complements the latest BASDA guide and effectively allows a business to self-assess where they are with regards to accessibility at a current point in time and provides a clear indication and roadmap on how to move forward. These combined resources now available to businesses will help ensure that an organisation embraces and embeds inclusive design and then everything it builds is accessible by default.”

Download a free copy of the Accessibility & Inclusive Design Guide

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BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April