Jun 16, 2014 | e-invoicing, Government Digital Strategy, Interoperability
Stephen McPartland, Member of Parliament for Stevenage, launched a report in Parliament on 1st May on his inquiry into electronic invoicing in the public sector, which concludes that £2billion a year could be saved. Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office and...
Jun 10, 2014 | BASDA Members
Stuart Anderson, Director of Sales & Marketing at Pegasus Software, was voted onto the General Council at BASDA’s AGM and annual conference on 13th May 2014 and will serve as an elected council member for three years. Pegasus Software, an Infor company...
May 27, 2014 | BASDA, HR and Payroll software, RTI
The 2014 Theo Van-Dort award was presented by the Business Application Software Developers’ Association (BASDA) to Norman Green of CGI at the members’ annual summit event on 13th May, in acknowledgement of his notable work in driving collaboration between...
May 19, 2014 | asset management, BASDA Members
Member article from Real Asset Management The movement of data and integration of systems between departments, together with reporting, is key to an automated and streamlined organisation and is one area where other systems fall down. In the case of organisations with...
Apr 17, 2014 | Government Digital Strategy, Identity Assurance
David Rennie is Industry Engagement Lead for the Identity Assurance Programme (IDAP), a part of the Cabinet Office’s Government Digital Service (GDS). David will provide a briefing from the Cabinet Office on the forthcoming implementation of Identity Assurance,...
Mar 26, 2014 | asset management, BASDA Members
Member blog article from Real Asset Management. Now sees the time of year where businesses within the commercial sector have completed their January year-end and have had annual visit from the auditors. It is in reviewing that auditor’s report, some businesses will...
Feb 25, 2014 | BASDA Members, Uncategorized
member blog article by Draycir, the authors of Spindle document management solutions. Many businesses aspire to running a paper-free office, where desks are clutter-free, filing cabinets are obsolete and you never have to worry about losing an important...
Feb 17, 2014 | BASDA Members, Uncategorized
Set for launch in 2015, Identity Assurance (IDA) marks a new method for taxpayers, businesses and agents to file tax returns and make other online submissions using government systems. Steven Checkley, who is Commercial Director of TaxCalc and heads up the BASDA...
Feb 13, 2014 | asset management, BASDA Members
Member blog article by Real Asset Management Public sector staff cuts continue. But little attention has been paid to the now redundant assets – from furniture to IT. Can these assets be disposed of? Reallocated to other departments? Made available as an alternative...
Feb 5, 2014 | BASDA, Business Software, HR and Payroll software
A Payroll Software Providers Forum has been established with the DWP and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and BASDA has a number of seats at this important table to ensure both visibility of issues (current and projected) and to working collaboratively in the resolution...