Tell us about Xledger UK

My name is Jo Sutton. I am the Operations Director at Xledger, a next generation Cloud ERP system of choice for over 9,000 customers in more than 60 countries worldwide, with offices in Colorado, Oslo, Stockholm and Bristol, UK. Xledger is a true multi-tenant cloud ERP solution, which means that all of our customers are on the same version of the system. This means economies of scale for us and simplicity and cost savings for our customers. It also means that we can deliver significant benefits as an ERP solution. We concentrate on automation, insight and scalability.

Xledger has great functionality for charities and commercial businesses, such as its ability to produce a statement of funds or profitability by project and location. As the software develops every user benefits. As we are the most automated ERP product in the Cloud, we are able to deliver great time-saving efficiencies to our customers, allowing them to spend time gaining real-time insights. The product is very scalable and suited to ambitious organisations, hence our strapline, ‘we empower ambitious organisations’ and that is true, that is what we do.

We work with many industries including the education sector, cybersecurity, housing associations, professional services, structural engineers, charities. In other words, it is a great fit for many industries and in most cases they have outgrown an on-premise finance system and need to use automation and advanced functionality to become more profitable or streamlined for cost savings. It is vital that we ensure our software is developed using the right regulatory frameworks and that we are aware of any issues in the software industry and specifically how they impact customers and this is where BASDA comes into play.

When did Xledger join BASDA?

Xledger joined BASDA in 2012 when we set up in the UK for the first time, so over five years ago. We regularly attend events, get involved in special interest groups and look at issues such as Making Tax Digital, VAT, oncoming Brexit and much more. It is a two way street to take the time to attend things and get the most out of our membership. Doing so definitely does pays dividends for us.

Why did Xledger join BASDA?

We joined BASDA because of your work with standards and involvement with government driven initiatives. At Xledger we realise it is very useful to meet and learn from industry experts at BASDA events. They bring latest ideas and standards to the fore. We find this really useful.

What value do you hope that BASDA can bring to your business?

We use BASDA to keep up to date with best practice in our industry. The current initiative, working with HMRC and the Making Tax Digital will allow us to simplify the VAT reporting process for our customers.

Are there any particular topics that BASDA is championing that you are particularly interested in and why?

All BASDA topics are relevant. We recently attended a Making Tax Digital event, which was very useful. The impact of Brexit on the use of standards is something we are looking to BASDA for advice and information on. BASDA certainly keeps us in the loop on important decisions on standards. Xledger UK looks to BASDA to help us ensure compliance is met. A recent webinar on GDPR has proved very helpful for example.

What are the current challenges within your industry and how is BASDA helping your company as the voice of industry?

Technology provides many opportunities for making accounting more efficient as a process. In terms of the obvious things mentioned, yes BASDA really helps. Sometimes it is more serendipity. I can go to a meeting thinking this topic might not be that relevant to us but actually it then gives us massive insights and you do then end up applying this learning to the business.

Innovation often comes from unlikely sources. Having that wider understanding and latest information keeps us abreast of changes in the market which we have to be aware of to respond rapidly to and to ensure we comply to the best standards available.

Are you an active member of any of BASDA’s Special Interest Groups? If so which one and why?

I have been involved in the BASDA SIGS and worked in collaboration with Tim Cole, Interoperability and Standards Specialist Interest Group Chair to develop e-invoicing standards. BASDA made us aware of the key issues affecting our industry and customers and helped drive debate in new areas.

For our company, Xledger, we operate on an international scale and there are different standards between countries that are EU and non-EU. Technology is developing and we are on the cutting edge. BASDA is an important part of our Market Research and Intel.

Can you offer any advice to BASDA members?

Do not dismiss events you think may not be useful. I have learned that over time. Attending events pays dividends. Use the expertise available to you to gain competitive edge! Make connections with experts – it is an invaluable resource for your business and gaining advantage and ensuring compliance.

More information can be found about Xledger UK on their website: If you would like to be featured as a member of the month, or if you are not already a member and are interested in joining BASDA, then please let us know via


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BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April