Specialist Interest Groups

BASDA Specialist Interest Groups (SIG) are driven by members as centres of action to address key issues affecting the software industry and its customers.

BASDA are always ready to listen to members to help drive debate in new areas with a view to setting up new interest groups or working parties.

BASDA are committed to developing the association to bring maximum value to its existing members and further extend its reach and effectiveness, appealing to small, medium and large organisations alike.

Our Specialist Interest Groups

BASDA’s established Specialist Interest Groups (SIG) are led by members on behalf of members and address key issues that impact the software industry and our customers.

SIG: Ability

The focus of this SIG is to engage with relevant, key government departments and agencies along with specialists across public and private sectors to develop awareness, create best practice methodologies for inclusive design and accessibility for members and to add value to their brands, propositions and addressable markets.

SIG: Accountants in Practice

Focussing on matters affecting the software products that firms of accountants use and, by extension, their clients. We provide an early introduction to matters in the regulatory and compliance environment.

SIG: Construction

Representing members on the Operational Forum of HMRC's Construction Industry Scheme to contribute to the discussion on the operation of the scheme and ensure software changes are prioritised and appropriately considered.

SIG: Interoperability & Standards

The requirement is for electronic exchange to become the predominant invoicing method by 2020 continues.   BASDA focuses on enabling members to maximise eBusiness Technology and to facilitate the widest possible and seamless adoption and support interoperability.

SIG: Open Banking, Payments & eInvoicing

A forum designed to inform and educate on the best-in-class payment infrastructure and standards for the benefit of our members and their customers. We seek to maintain close links to national and international payment systems and wherever possible, influence the direction of travel and implementation of policy.

SIG: Payroll, Pensions & HR

Representing members at Government decision making level to influence the requirements and legislation being introduced. We provide the opportunities to help influence decision making and implementation, in addition to providing foresight and product planning information vital for development road maps.

Become Involved in our Specialist Interest Groups

All of our SIGs are open to members only.  If you would like to be involved simply register your interest by completing the form below and we’ll be in touch. 

8 + 5 =

Become and Member

Find out more about the benefits of BASDA and how to join.

BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April