SIG Co-Chairs

The Payroll, Pensions & HR SIG is co-chaired by Adam Herridge, Product Director with JA and Steve Wilkinson, Independent Consultant.  Adam has 10+ years of experience in the software industry, specialising in payroll and accountancy. Steve has worked in the software industry for over 40 years in a wide range of roles, from start-up founder to chief software architect.

Payroll, Pensions & HR SIG is currently engaging with:

HMRC, DWP and The Pensions Regulator (TPR), the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Department for Education (DfE), the Government Equalities Office (GEO) and the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS)

Aims & Objectives

To maintain close links with decision making processes within government that affect the delivery of Payroll and HR software, and wherever possible influence the implementation of policy.

To continually review government guidance to employers regarding PAYE, pensions and employment to ensure that employers and agents are receiving correct and easily understood guidance.


Delivering Payroll & HR Software


Influencing Policy Implementation


PAYE Guidance


Pensions & Employment Guidance

Who should get involved

All HR & Payroll software developers should get involved in this SIG to ensure they are represented at Government decision-making level to influence the requirements and legislation being introduced. The SIG provides the opportunities to help influence decision making and implementation, in addition to providing foresight and product planning information vital for development road maps.

Current Agenda and Successes

  • BASDA Payroll, Pensions & HR SIG members are closely engaged with HMRC in the development of PAYE APIs as part of the Digital Strategy.
      • HMRC project focussed on providing employer information regarding PAYE liabilities.
      • Key stakeholder in HMRC project through its initial investigation phase.
      • From initial review of suggested HMRC data items and the delivery mechanism, through to the present day.
  • The chairman acts as the BASDA representative on The Employment and Payroll Group, HMRC’s principal forum for HMRC, and other government departments, to engage with the employment and payroll community.
  • Liaison point with HMRC to discuss any potential issues from the software community on new legislation.
  • Influencing DWP and TPR across key matters in support of workplace pensions (i.e. Auto Enrolment) – a continuing challenge for Payroll Software providers.
      • This has included involvement in the regulations for new employers post-October 2017 and the increases to the minimum contribution levels in April 2018 and April 2019.
      • From initial discussions in 1999 with the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority (PADA), which became NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) through to the present-day.

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BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April