BASDA – Insight, Influence and Collaboration in action

BASDA – The Business Application Software Developers Association – is the only industry association focused specifically on supporting the issues of business software development organisations.

Joining BASDA means you’ll benefit from being part of a collective and influential industry voice, giving you access to specialist interest groups and business networking events. The BASDA community enables the sharing of knowledge and time saving in development, supporting its members in becoming more efficient and effective in today’s highly competitive market place.

As a UK trade body, BASDA operates through representation and collaboration to ensure that the voice of the UK business software industry is heard by some of the highest levels within UK government, policy-makers and industry media.

Who should join BASDA?

Member solutions service most core business functions such as operations, development, finance, marketing and HR, whether deployed as cloud, on-premise or hybrid applications.

BASDA’s operation provides support and benefit for many roles within its member’s businesses, ranging from developers to directors, product managers to marketers and one simple subscription covers all your staff.

Domain Expertise

Collectively, BASDA members have a wealth of expertise across the business software landscape with pro-active involvement in current issues that affect members and their customers, including: Making Tax Digital, Brexit, Faster Payments, and Cyber Security.

Creating Value for our Members

Joining BASDA goes beyond a package of benefits.  It goes much deeper with the advantage felt across your organisation and customers.


BASDA has made a direct and positive impact on the world of its members and their customers for over 25 years.


Involvement in BASDA makes a real difference to the development of its members and their future careers.


Collaboration and shared learning across the BASDA community brings a tangible result for members and their customers.


Join your industry peers and guest speakers for a series of online events to discuss the latest pertinent topics - View the calendar.

Our next in-person event is our Annual Summit, 30th April 2025


Our suite of guides will help organisations make the right choices for their business and run efficient purchasing processes.


Read our latest news, information on new members and other industry updates in our Blog.

Meet the General Council

The BASDA General Council meet regularly to constructively challenge the strategy and performance of the association in growing and maintaining its membership.

What our members say

BASDA is our ‘go to’ for all things UK business software compliance and our membership ensures we can remain confident we are providing the best service possible to our clients. The events are insightful and we value our interactions and the BASDA expertise shared.


Keeping ahead of legislation and it’s interpretation is a significant challenge for all software vendors. BASDA enables us to have influence on legislation as it emerges, with engagement at the highest level. We also have the benefit of being able to work collectively with other BASDA members on interpretation of regulation – which saves us many days per year.

Kevin Misselbrook

Access UK

We have joined BASDA because we want to formally engage with HMRC (as part of a body rather than as an individual company) on the application of new legislation in the Temporary labour market. Too often legislation is drafted without properly considering the practical implications and this creates complexity, difficulty and, in many cases, tax loopholes. Our intention is to embrace HMRC’s initiatives and make implementation simpler for the users of our software.


Get Involved

Find out more about the benefits of BASDA and how to join.

BASDA Summit 2025 - 30 April